TST-based research
TST asks users to write this acknowledgement sentence in your paper if you are including observations made at TST.
“This article [is based on / includes observations made in] the Transit Survey Telescope (TST) in the Teide Observatory of the IAC, that Light Bridges operates in the Island of Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). The Observing Time Rights (DTO) used for this research were provided by [type of funding / donor / provider].”
The TST telescope saw its first light on July 2024. It is under active comissioning, and has already produced significant observations for a wide variety of observational projects.
There are still no publications that have completed a peer-to-peer revision featuring TST images, but many of them are on the way! If you have an interesting scientific project that can benefit from TST, please submit your observing proposal.